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1 LOA20241003161543 Legal Review of Sexual Violence Against Children (Analysis of Decision Number 243 K/Pid.Sus/2020)
ID : 36
Author (s) : Widodo Ramadhana, Yohana Ayu Sartika Telaumbanua, Barryl Wilfred Joshua Rohtuahdo Purba, Ananda Safron
Issue : Vol.1 No.3 (2024)
Journal : LAW&PASS: International Journal of Law, Public Administration and Social Studies
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2 LOA20240818011326 Screening of Court Competence Through Dismissal of Process in The General Justice System
ID : 28
Author (s) : Firdaus Arifin
Issue : Vol.1 No.3 (2024)
Journal : LAW&PASS: International Journal of Law, Public Administration and Social Studies
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3 LOA20240818005756 Analysis of Indicators of Constitutional Decline in Indonesia (A Review of Contemporary Democracy)
ID : 30
Author (s) : Fakhris Lutfianto Hapsoro, Moh. Hasbi Rofiqi
Issue : Vol.1 No.3 (2024)
Journal : LAW&PASS: International Journal of Law, Public Administration and Social Studies
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4 LOA20240711230603 Accountability for Criminal Acts of Sexual Abuse Against Children Supreme Court Decision Number 1041/K/Pid.Sus/2020
ID : 24
Author (s) : Muhammad Arif Prasetyo, Rodiatun Adawiyah, Widodo Ramadhan, Hebri Gokman Lumbantungkup
Issue : Vol.1 No.3 (2024)
Journal : LAW&PASS: International Journal of Law, Public Administration and Social Studies
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5 LOA20240711113924 Formulation of Legal Provisions Prohibiting Money Politics in Elections: Towards Honest and Fair Elections
ID : 23
Author (s) : Pujiono, Nanik Prasetyoningsih
Issue : Vol.1 No.3 (2024)
Journal : LAW&PASS: International Journal of Law, Public Administration and Social Studies
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6 LOA20240622140808 The Relevance of Progressive Law to Legal Reasoning in Indonesia
ID : 16
Author (s) : Ismawati Septiningsih
Issue : Vol.1 No.2 (2024)
Journal : LAW&PASS: International Journal of Law, Public Administration and Social Studies
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7 LOA20240613035143 Juridical Study on Investigation of Fraud Crime Cases in E-Commerce in Indonesia
ID : 15
Author (s) : Shinta Widhaningroem, Yeni Widowaty
Issue : Vol.1 No.2 (2024)
Journal : LAW&PASS: International Journal of Law, Public Administration and Social Studies
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8 LOA20240613034909 The Debtor's Juridical Analysis of Bankruptcy Decisions as A Consequence of Homologation Violations in Suspention of Payment (The case study decision numbers 20/Pdt.Sus-Pailit/2019/PN.Smg, jo. Numbers 23/Pdt.Sus-PKPU/2018/PN. Smg)
ID : 14
Author (s) : Nanda Dwi Ardhia, Leli Joko Suryono, La Ode Muhammad Rafiā€™ud Darajat | Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Issue : Vol.1 No.2 (2024)
Journal : LAW&PASS: International Journal of Law, Public Administration and Social Studies
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9 LOA20240529170114 The Role of the National Police in Prioritizing Restorative Justice in Resolving Insult and Defamation Cases Based on Circular Letter from the Chief of Police Number: SE/2/11/2021
ID : 12
Author (s) : Jonner M.H. Samosir, T. Riza Zarzani
Issue : Vol.1 No.2 (2024)
Journal : LAW&PASS: International Journal of Law, Public Administration and Social Studies
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10 LOA20240529085250 Juridical Analysis of Khamar Crimes in the Perspective of Aceh Qanun Number 6 of 2014 Concerning Jinayah
ID : 11
Author (s) : Mustakim, Muhammad Riza
Issue : Vol.1 No.2 (2024)
Journal : LAW&PASS: International Journal of Law, Public Administration and Social Studies
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11 LOA20240525093827 Services and Handling of Maternal Emergencies in Hospitals Based on Law
ID : 10
Author (s) : Gladdays Naurah, Fitri Fatimah, Marice Simarmata, Redyanto Sidi Jambak
Issue : Vol.1 No.2 (2024)
Journal : LAW&PASS: International Journal of Law, Public Administration and Social Studies
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12 LOA20240524133348 Implementation of Regional Development Planning Policies at the Regional Development Planning Agency of Central Sulawesi Province (Study on the Preparation of the 2024 Central Sulawesi Provincial Government Work Plan)
ID : 9
Author (s) : Moh. Steven Sukarno, Slamet Riadi, Intam Kurnia
Issue : Vol.1 No.2 (2024)
Journal : LAW&PASS: International Journal of Law, Public Administration and Social Studies
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13 LOA20240523025511 The Urgency of Implementing Non-Conviction Based Asset Forfeiture in Recovery of State Losses Due to Corruption
ID : 8
Author (s) : Itok Dwi Kurniawan*, Soehartono, Vincentius Patria Setyawan, Jose Gama Santos
Issue : Vol.1 No.2 (2024)
Journal : LAW&PASS: International Journal of Law, Public Administration and Social Studies
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14 LOA20240523023001 Cognitive Freedom: Human Rights Born from Today's Artificial Intelligence
ID : 5
Author (s) : Favio Farinella, Elena Gulyaeva
Issue : Vol.1 No.1 (2024)
Journal : LAW&PASS: International Journal of Law, Public Administration and Social Studies
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15 LOA20240523022944 Implementation of the Policy for Supervision and Control of Livestock Animals in Pasangkayu Regency
ID : 4
Author (s) : Rita, Nuraisyah Ambo, Hafiz Ali Raza
Issue : Vol.1 No.1 (2024)
Journal : LAW&PASS: International Journal of Law, Public Administration and Social Studies
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16 LOA20240523022925 Employee Work Motivation at the Pasangkayu Regency Education, Youth and Sports Office
ID : 3
Author (s) : Sahdiah, Nuraisyah, Dandan Haryono, Nasrullah, Sajjad Hussain
Issue : Vol.1 No.1 (2024)
Journal : LAW&PASS: International Journal of Law, Public Administration and Social Studies
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17 LOA20240523022903 An Examination of The Significant Frameworks of International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) Adoption in Ghana
ID : 2
Author (s) : Richard Kwadzo Doe-Dartey, Jignesh Valand
Issue : Vol.1 No.1 (2024)
Journal : LAW&PASS: International Journal of Law, Public Administration and Social Studies
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18 LOA20240523022835 Implementation of waste management policy in Morowali Regency (Study of waste management in Bahodopi District)
ID : 1
Author (s) : Hayundwitama, Nasir Mangngasing, Nuraisyah, Djibril H. Kawuree
Issue : Vol.1 No.1 (2024)
Journal : LAW&PASS: International Journal of Law, Public Administration and Social Studies
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19 LOA20240523021413 Terrorism: Its Impact and Countermeasures
ID : 6
Author (s) : Siti Ma'sumah, Kholid Mawardi
Issue : Vol.1 No.2 (2024)
Journal : LAW&PASS: International Journal of Law, Public Administration and Social Studies
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